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Whoopi Goldberg warns against ‘phony’ weight loss ad using AI version of her likeness

Whoopi Goldberg warned the public to not believe a “phony” weight loss ad made with artificial intelligence using her likeness. 

“I’m giving everybody a heads up. There’s a phony weight loss ad floating around online on Instagram that has me, AI mouthed, saying all kinds of stuff,” she said on Wednesday’s episode of “The View.”

Goldberg did not specify which drug was using her likeness, but said “They took something from ‘CBS Sunday Morning’ and melded it and they have me selling bad weight loss drugs. Do not, do not indulge in this. Do not look at this. Just get rid of it. Because I don’t know what it is, I had nothing to do with it, and I don’t want y’all thinking this is coming from me.”

She reiterated that her weight loss was a result of using the drug Mounjaro. She had opened up about using the drug on the March 19 episode of “The View.”

“I will tell you I weighed almost 300 pounds when I made ‘Till,’” she said on that episode, referencing the 2022 historical drama film. “And I had taken all those steroids, I was on all this stuff and one of the things that helped me drop the weight was Mounjaro. That’s what I use.”

On Wednesday’s episode, Goldberg also warned against the dangers of AI-created content.

“But this stuff? I don’t know who these people are. That’s the problem with AI. You don’t know who made it. But I’m telling you it’s a lot of BS, do not fall for it.”

“I don’t sell anything unless I say, ‘Hey, It’s me Whoopi,’ that’s how you know it’s me,” she added.

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